In Content Rules
Powerplaying/Controling/God Modding is when you take over another person's character. While you are role playing you play your character(s) and your character(s) only. Even if you are tired of waiting for the person to reply you cannot powerplay. If you want the scenario to go your way you can't just flat out make it go your way you must discuss it with your fellow role player and work it out.
No Player is allowed to be a crazy Meerkat. This Meerkat is the one that kills everything and everyone. This is not allowed. No one is alllowed to be the little angels of the group either.
There will be no characters that are above the rest. I'm not talking about the leaders of the group I'm talking about them being the know it alls, the strongest, the undefeated, and the perfect. These Meerkats are the perfect group members.
This is not allowedNever get mad at the user for something that the character did. They may control the character but they aren't always supposed to act like they do in real life. If one of the leaders doesn't accept you in their group they probably have a very good reason not to accept you.